

Protection of Rights and Interests


NHU strictly implements relevant laws, regulations, and policies on labor employment, standardizes employment management, treats all employees equally, and establishes harmonious and stable labor relations. We adopt the paid leave system, respect employees’ spare-time life, and secure their work-life balance. We also ensure a welcoming workplace, strive to eliminate any negative impact of the working environment on employees’ health, and prioritize occupational health monitoring, labor protection supplies, and occupational health education and training.

锦屏县| 沙河市| 津市市| 贵溪市| 百色市| 安泽县| 潼关县| 定兴县| 隆安县| 弥勒县| 时尚| 宁陵县| 溆浦县| 麻城市| 都安| 万州区| 庆云县| 阿巴嘎旗| 龙州县| 红河县| 巨鹿县| 吉水县| 利辛县| 社会| 塘沽区| 正阳县| 砀山县| 上林县| 繁昌县| 锡林浩特市| 迁西县| 琼海市| 屯昌县| 上蔡县| 镇康县| 阿荣旗| 淄博市| 海丰县| 集贤县| 宣化县| 屯昌县|