


Products Introduction

Basic information

Astaxanthin is a bright red pigment with strong pigment deposition capacity. As a functional pigment, astaxanthin is absorbed and accumulated by fish and poultry much more efficiently than other carotenoids such as keratoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Edges of NHU

Great stability for feed storage and processing thanks to the advanced encapsulation technology. 

Well mixed in commercial feed thanks to evenly distributed particles which could disperse easily.

Excellent bioavailability and utilization efficiency in animal’s digestion system.

Degree of pigmentation

Consumers prefer meat with fresher and brighter color. The desired meat color can be achieved by adding a single pigment or a combination of several pigments.
Carotenoids are fat-soluble compounds which can be divided into red and yellow ones according to their wavelengths or colors. The right combination of red and yellow carotenoids can create the orange shade that is favored by consumers.
One of the most important factors to be considered in the pigmentation process is the source of carotenoids and the effect of the source on the availability, stability, color, absorption rate, transfer rate and deposition rate of animal target tissues. Since poultry cannot synthesize carotenoids on their own, it is necessary to provide the right type and combination of carotenoids through feed additives to obtain the desired egg color and maintain its uniformity.

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